8TH OF MAY, 2024
The World Design Factory Day (WDFD) is a moment to celebrate our community.
On this day, we show the world every DF's awesomeness and the power of local and global collaboration. We look into the initiatives that DF leads and the impact that it makes on the global and local contexts. It's impossible to showcase all the amazing projects that our DF's around the world do in one day. But, World DF Day brings enthusiasm, talent, and passion in a series of activities hosted by our members on a program of 24 hours in different time zones.
Your participation is crucial to making WDFD a success. Join us in celebrating the innovation and impact of Design Factories globally and locally.

Are you part of a Design Factory and interested in leading a session? Explore the suggested session formats for WDFD below for inspiration. Remember, we encourage creativity, so feel free to propose any session ideas outside these formats. We'll do our best to incorporate them into the event schedule. If you have a session idea ready, please reach out to the DFGN team by the 27th of March. By that date, we would need a name and a short description of your activity.
Now, let's take a look at the potential formats for hosting a session at WDFD.​

(30 min)
The objective of this session is to create a casual, global meeting lounge, a spot where you can get energized and see familiar faces. Think of it as a relaxed get-together in the most comfortable part of your Design Factory, like welcoming friends for coffee.
Examples of activities:
Share your favourite coffee brewing method from your DF.
Use this time for a fun, casual game with other DFs.
Host a relaxed chat and look forward to seeing familiar faces.

(60 min)
The objective of this session is to share what is new! This is a great chance to show new projects, courses, research, or other initiatives. Share what's new and thrilling, including any passion projects you're excited to share and inspire the network.
Examples of activities:
Showcase the newest course at your DF, whether completed or in preparation.
Highlight a theme your DF is passionate about (e.g., Social Innovation, AI in Education, Prototyping for Innovation).
Share any ongoing projects you're proud of, from research to practice-based.


(30-60 min)
As our network expands, we aim to strengthen our connections. Use this session to introduce or re-introduce your Design Factory, showcasing your facilities and the amazing people working behind the scenes. Share insights about your ecosystem, collaborations, passions, and why they matter to you.
Examples of activities:
Conduct a virtual tour of your facilities.
Host a session to introduce your staff and community.
Have a discussion with one of your institutional partners about how you have supported them and make your ecosystem visible to the network.


Do you have a special hidden skill? Share it with our community! From conflict mediation to baking, we'll host a virtual marketplace for everyone to showcase their talents and learn from each other.
Examples of activities:
Teaching techniques you recommend
Inspiring the community with yoga moves
Insights from conflict mediation
Hosting a session on improving communication skills

The objective of this session is to delve into insights across a wide range of fields, highlighting our network's diversity and multidisciplinary approach. This session aims to unite people globally to discuss relevant topics. Hosted by the DFGN team, we'll reach out to experts, but if you're keen on joining a roundtable, feel free to contact us.Potential themes include (this might still be subjective to change):
Educational Practices
Industry Collaboration
Creativity & Prototyping
Emerging Research in DFGN​

This session focuses on the evolution and transformation of Design Factories. We aim to bring together DF leaders to discuss current directions, common strategies worldwide, and shared challenges. It will be a roundtable conversation with global DF leaders, hosted and organized by the DFGN team, who will reach out to DF captains.
Design Factory Global Network (DFGN) is a network of 39 innovation hubs in 25 countries based in universities and research organisations on five continents worldwide. DFGN is on a mission to create change in the world of learning and research through passion-based culture and effective problem-solving. Shared understanding and common ways of working enable Design Factories in the network to collaborate efficiently across cultures, time zones and organisational boundaries fostering radical innovations.